Thursday, August 2, 2012

Eat Less to be lighter

While you can read lots of articles about the minimalist aesthetic as well as possession of less stuff, what is not spoken in all these food items is minimal.

Most people eat too much food and waste. As someone who should weigh about 70 kg. Overweight had a few years ago, I focused on who was to lose weight like everyone else. I know what it is to eat pizza, fast food, plus extra potatoes, desserts and so on, all that the restaurants that serve us today.

It is too much and is epidemic proportions wing of food served today. A large part of our health care crisis is due to overeating.

A good part of the solution is simply to eat less.

A separate article should be about what we eat - organic, real food, grown locally, cooked at home with a minimum of processing and packaging. But today, I'd like to eat less.

It's something that I focused on my own life, especially recently, when I see not only the food quality, but quantity. I think we've been conditioned to eat without thinking, and eating too much. Which of course is not healthy.

My attention has focused on eating until they find me completely. I can eat until I feel like if I wanted to eat some more, then take a break. Respite. In about 10 minutes, I realize that I am satisfied and do not need to eat more.

Here are some tips:

* It takes only a small portion to begin with. Not a lot of food .* Come and attention .* despacion Pause between bites. Stop .* Taste food before you're full, and wait .* Drink water with food .* Eating every 2 or 3 hours, endure hunger and wait a little longer .* If you get hungry later, eat only a small snack, or some fruit .* reduces gradually. Do not try to eat like a bird at first. Just look at starting to eat less, then you adjust, then decreases a little more.

Over time, you're going to change, and you will be able to eat less. You will be healthier (assuming that these Comendo less than before) and lighter.


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