Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Write a Killer Sales Letter

When writing a sales letter there are some rules to follow. Your main goal when writing a sales letter is to capture your interest readers. Before you start writing the sales letter, research the target audience. Find out what their needs and problems are common. Now continue to the content of the sales letter.

Your title is the key. Go through newspapers and other ads to see which titles are considered most effective. You want your title to jump out to the reader. The header should also point out how it will benefit your readers. For example, "10 ways you can make 1 million in a year." This is an example of surprising title. Or, "Learning my red monkey 15 Grand a month ago."

Next you need to arouse curiosity in the first couple of sentences from the letter. Then you must show how the customer will benefit from your product or service. Remember to explain how the customer will not benefit as they will benefit. This is where most sales letters go wrong, they fail to communicate the benefits of the product to the customer.

Next establish credibility with the customer. Leave your experience and / or customer testimonials. Always offer a full money back guarantee shows that you have confidence in your product or service.

Here are some other things to keep in mind when writing a sales letter. Enter the date of the letter so that the offer is always present and is not retroactive. Next add a limited-time offer, as a bonus for the first 100 buyers or a discount for the first 24 hours. Always make sure to do your bidding limited time off the shelf, after the offer expires. Finally, write the sales letter as if you are talking directly to a person. Do not write a sales letter as if you are talking to a group of people .......

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