Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Destruction Of My Country

The loss of my country.

"The country is said, all pain and sky and no feud or chaplaincy." (José Martí)

The word "homeland" is not ground, or social laboratory experiments driven by a dominant country. The word home brings together two basic representation: the first points inwards, ie towards its people, living together under the common heritage, customs, traditions, history, taken from childhood. The second course is outward, toward the concert of the international community. For in a global world, no one is islet.

No doubt, in a place where country, highlighting elements such as freedom, to cooperate for the common good with loyalty and spirit of service, each in the place assigned him that fate. The best country, without a doubt is one that respects the moral values ​​that sustains you, educate you, giving you quality health, which guards over the environment, motivates you towards creativity and critical thinking, you provides stable jobs, and lets just live with the fruits of your effort.

Patria is not deploying the theories of chaos to benefit mine. Patria is not to impose the brute force of villains that degrades you, riddle you taxes for others dealt cheerfully and you've earned your dessert encourage children to practice the perversion of morals. Country is not imposed or run over a whole nation, or say, "I'm in charge here and do what I say ... to my cruel will." Country is not the blood flowing and lighten every day with deaths of women, men, children or adults ... all innocent people or raise their voices and banners.

Mikhail Bakunin, in his "Nation and Nationality" states: "A country is unquestionable and sacred right of every man, every human group, association, community, region and nation to live, feel, think, desire and act on their own way and this way of living and feeling is always the result of a long indisputable historical development. "

Jorge Luis Borges (Argentinian writer. 1899-1986) said, "no one is home, we all are" Henry George, (English economist. 1839-1897) said, "How can you say to a man with a country when not entitled to an inch of your soil? Lucio Anneo Seneca (philosopher Latino. 2 AC-65) said: "None loves his country because it is big, but because it is yours." Benito Juarez (president of Mexico. 1858 - 1864) said, "Among individuals as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace. "

However, the word country, if it is true that from the Latin "Pater Patris" and is the land of our fathers, our ancestors, is now blood-red dresses, smells of injustice, cruelty knows, feels the pain of losing a child a daughter tipped bullets, and their rulers, the blind leading the blind, the crippled computer, deaf speakers, sadly, is in mourning, broken, torn, broken, crushed.

With so much desolation of country, giving us only say, as Charly Garcia in the song "Crazy Boots" during the dictatorship in Argentina: "If they are the country, I am a foreigner"

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