Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Kidnapping of Democracy

Democracy is not an end but a means to an end. And what can be this, but the common good of how far we are?

The dances of different tone conservative politicians and other bureaucrats in all these summits with trying to dazzle us with family photos, talks without witnesses, and its enormous repressive police apparatus make it clear that we are in the hands of individuals with power and without conscience, likely to kill the messenger and the murderous hand and hide the real reason. Otherwise solve nothing ever parliaments and high-level conferences. Essential flaw, and one is entitled to ask: could it be that democracy has been hijacked? Against this state of things, only some voices coming from? Africa and some Latin American governments and environmental groups, pacifists and anti-capitalist trying to hear the voice of the people and the voice of the Earth and its species lives threatened against the obstacles of the organizers of global ecocide and global police state seeking to impose at all costs the hijackers of democracy. And who are these, but groups of financial, techno-industrial and energy sectors they serve world leaders with different political costumes but with the same vow of obedience?

THE Hipocras? A Dress

Under democratic systems agreed as apparently called plural imperfect as they really are decided daily issues that affect us vitally and is therefore natural to want to deepen this democracy hollow that for days away from the real and growing interference allows, for many years from the tentacles of big business in the areas of political, social and cultural development. The consequence of this is the corruption of political management bodies of democracies, and the increase of all kinds of corruption and corruption of which many times we hear people or even, if we check the results on our daily lives, more and more depleted of freedoms, increasingly controlled at all levels, and increasingly fewer opportunities to show and defend our real problems outside the forums assigned to us by decree, as is the case with the bureaucratic unions and obedient.


These issues that keep us from growing real democracy, it is natural to be concerned and that this motivates serious consideration among those who bear the consequences of democracy in a bad way or another, since there is no cause without effect, and bad crops never brought good harvests. This crisis clearly shows that the power exercised by States on behalf of the people is directed against the people .. It seems so normal that in a democratic state have the active presence in the Chamber all kinds of civic associations, workers, students, unemployed, retirees, professionals, etc.. Are not citizens what they need to States to justify its existence? ... Well there should be room associations, consumer cooperatives of all types, cultural circles, NGOs and all those groups of groups of any condition capable of contributing to the energy needed to set a common good without exclusion. It requires a collective group can manage public life in all its forms except those who seek always manipulate consciences, monopoly, control, disengage and destabilize, as none of them can provide health and social welfare, or to promote health spiritual people.

This includes professional politicians, subjected each other to multiple pressures for extra-long power groups away from the voters, trade unionists, always attentive to the employer, clergy, always hypocrites bankers, covetous always insatiable. None of them are not suitable to leave in his hands the multitude of issues of civic interest that could be solved better with free and direct participation of citizens. Are not the citizens who elected? Are not the citizens who legalize the power? Are not those who support entrepreneurs, bankers, politicians and clergy with their work and taxes? What is to us as citizens we need to build the states? Is not our vote, perhaps, that justifies the existence of so-called democratic governments? But our vote does not serve to change things, but to change those things never change.

They must be citizens who then decide how states, the issues to be addressed and resolved by local and national governments and ways of carrying out the solutions to collective problems. And therefore, it is citizens who must demand that their decisions. Because it does not make campaign promises to fool people, and thus make unlawful use of a power undeserved. In this case, people should have the legal resources to prosecute those who do not fulfill their promises. It would seem logical - is not it? - To require the irresponsible resign, the corrupt, inefficient, not come to meet their schedules in Parliament, and those who do not respect the popular will not meet the program by the they were elected. Resign and restore the damage seems logical. As logical as possible in a civilized society with a real democracy, not these corrupt ways of usurping people's power.

The above and more data would arguably indicative of a true democracy. However, we are so far that we have now is just a very poor sketch of what could be. And why not? Because majority lack awareness to be sustained, because in general people are asleep, cowed, stunned, rooted in its own navel, and largely devoid of the sense of what we might call "The Us", which is social and ethical awareness. Prefer to practice the "every man for himself", which is the self-centered way of life of the brick building failed, hindering the building colectivo.Y if there is no consciousness of us, if it is not possible, is it not true that we unprotected for each other? And troubled waters ...

The cock crows TO VILLAGE

Are we not under dictatorships everywhere with more or less camouflaged facade? Are we not under the most refined form of a dictator to make us believe that we legalize it represents for our votes, but once we achieved from participating adequately to defend our true interests as individuals and as citizens? Let's look the truth straight. We are not democracies, only sketches. And worst of all, yet our collective consciousness has come to be able to find best solution to such degeneration ethics as stated by the sum of many individual consciousnesses unable to take the reins of both themselves and society, because some others we dulled our unsupportive individualism. And before the apocalyptic climate change which we are engaged, all the people attending disorganized and without a single voice to damage caused by the rich and politicians.

It is unthinkable that a society of free choice spirits could be so blatant social organizations and governments as unpresentable as we exhibit this demo-mafiocracies humanity in the best. And at worst, under totalitarian regimes, headquarters lifetime obtained by violence, religious gerontocracy, and other ways to support the boot on the neck or suffocate people with dogmas, with prisons and incense.

Time for participatory democracy is today at the same distance as the need for personal freedom of the majority of dormant societies that make us have to endure. Awakening is the whole question but when? How? How many are still needed to determine the turning point? Democracy, like everything else, can not be kidnapped or detained indefinitely at a point, or tends to improve or tends to break down, and one should know what side you are.

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