Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Relief from Dermatitis in Dogs

What is flea bite dermatitis?

Fleas are an extremely common parasite among dogs and cats. Some pets suffer very little from the bites of these creatures but a number of less fortunate pets develop an allergic reaction to flea saliva, leading to severe skin reaction known as dermatitis, flea bite.

Fleas bite their host animal and suck the blood for nutrition, leaving saliva behind under the skin of the dog or cat. Recent scientific studies have shown that flea saliva contains around 15 allergens that can cause reactions in sensitive dogs and cats. The common problem of dermatitis, flea bite affects cats and dogs of all ages, genders and breeds.

In pets with this condition, flea bites usually become red and swollen. This leads to inflammation and chronic skin scratch as well as ongoing discomfort for your pet.

How do I know if my pet has flea bite dermatitis?

Dogs and cats with flea bite dermatitis generally show signs of chronic biting, scratching and rubbing their skin, especially around the base of the tail. This may, in turn, lead to hair loss and thinning of the skin. The skin may appear red and inflamed. A flea allergy will also have significantly worse symptoms seasonal especially during summer and fall when fleas are less prolific.

How is the flea bite dermatitis?

To get the root cause of this condition is important to rid your pet of fleas entirely. Many flea control products available, including anti-flea collars, sprays and shampoos are very effective when used regularly. To treat your pet's skin has already suffered the ravages of flea bite dermatitis, topical hydrocortisone products are usually used for dermatitis, but these can cause serious side effects, especially when used regularly.

An alternative are natural remedies for pets containing a mixture of natural ingredients in an herbal cream. They effectively try to soothe and prevent flea bite dermatitis in dogs and cats, without the side effects of prescription medication used for this condition.

Matricaria recutita (German Chamomile) was regarded by ancient Anglo-Saxons as one of the nine sacred herbs given to the world. In modern times it is widely used as a cleansing herb, anti-inflammatory and soothing.

Galium aperine (Blades) is an herb that has been used in folk medicine for many centuries as a cleansing and purifying lymphatic tonics and blood. Used regularly helps to expel toxins from the body. Assists in the treatment of chronic skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and allergic dermatitis.

Calendula officinalis (Marigold) is an herbal ingredient used to treat skin problems and to promote wound healing. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory and prevents infection with its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Wonder has been shown to assist the regeneration of damaged skin tissue.

Hamamelis virginianum (Witchhazel) is excellent for reducing inflammation, bleeding and pain. It has been long used by Native Americans to relieve the pain, swelling, bruising and bleeding of external injuries. Witchhazel also has antibacterial properties that help prevent infection.

Graphites (30C) This homeopathic remedy is beneficial for skin ailments such as chronic pain, dermatitis, wounds that heal and scar tissue tempting. Also widely used to treat severely dry and cracked skin due to its characteristics of excellent skin conditioning.

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