Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Relevance and Scope of Digitivity In Markets

"Price is what you pay and value is what you get." This transaction between money and goods

Overview and significance

Markets function in modern business has changed dramatically to accommodate the demands that business scenarios demand and guarantee companies, a share that allows them not only stay in the markets and cattle, but to conquer new ones.

To do this, you must adapt to new tools, knowledge that the role of markets requires in order to ensure competitiveness and meet the demand of its customers.

Definitely it is significant that the management of the market in this office provide feedback considering the performance characteristics of the current economic scenario and is trained with new knowledge, tools that are needed to ensure competitiveness and give way to plans that favor markets the company they represent.

It is now necessary to consider the scope, relevance of what is and consider digitivity within the functions of markets. Consider that it represents is simply the digital world interaction, creativity and connectivity.

Impact, scope of digivity

No doubt that new innovations in markets, has impacted significantly on variables of the marketing mix, especially in advertising as is the case that concerns us and this is noted, that the investment in advertising and marketing is increasingly important in the budget of companies in general and in particular franchises. Therefore, the development of new communication techniques is very fast. Especially if you use the internet as a vehicle of information to approach potential customers. One of the last genius of the advertising agency JWT is Digitivity.

Consider, that the technological revolution has established the Internet as an ideal and a support to communicate, transmit values ​​and gain more notoriety. Added to that the digital world and creativity have enabled advertising today can be much more dynamic and attractive to users and consumers who now spend much more time inter-connected to the large network of networks. All these values ​​are key aspects of today's advertising and served as a basis for defining this new trend called Digitivity.

Digitivity is a new trend in advertising and marketing, that every entrepreneur should keep in mind to better position their products on the market.

It is a concept that sounds increasingly stronger in the advertising world and integrates three key aspects of current advertising: the digital world, creativity and connectivity.

Add, Ann Mack, director of the agency JWT World, definitely: Digitivity is defined by the digital world interaction, creativity and connectivity. Keep in mind that most teenagers are using new technologies and these novel forms of communication. Therefore, companies should consider using the Internet to realize their potential customers, thereby ensuring the success of the campaign communication. According to Ann Mack "in the era of digitivity ideas can come from anywhere. Regardless of where they come from, they are shared and spread almost to the speed they are born?. Based on this statement, to ensure the success of such campaigns should be a consolidated presence of so-called social networks. Mack explained that with the emergence of social networks in the web universe, "all the world knows, the network can be endless and therefore the information is shared and transferred all the time?. Finally, the most interesting feature is the low cost of using social networks for this type of campaign. This favors all kinds of business can seize these new marketing concepts and gain a foothold in the market.


No doubt, thanks to the advancement of new technology, outcomes generated by the computer, its impact on the role of markets has given way to new tools that should be taken into account, if you really want to get him benefit and is valid when it points out that "Digitivity? is a concept that sounds strong in advertising and is the convergence between Digital, Creativity and Connectivity.

Of course, issues such as these force the business schools, especially in specialty markets to take into account and train and train their specialists towards knowing how to handle properly these tools to do so, the effects are very negative.

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