Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Atlanta Real Estate Market

Like the state of Georgia, the state of Atlanta has an unemployment rate above the national average, surely this is a major concern for the U.S. government (about 10.4 percent compared with 9 percent) .

The real estate market, particularly the slowdown in the construction of new buildings is said that the problem is according to Mark Butler, the Labour Commissioner.

Butler says the recession hit as metropolitan Atlanta and Georgia were in one of the fastest growing state cycles, led by the booming residential real estate development, commercial and industrial applications. When the housing market and the economy plummeted, the construction industry collapsed over-leveraged.

Atlanta Real Estate Market "Our recovery will lag behind the rest of the nation," said Butler.

What does this mean for the real estate market in Atlanta and for investors? Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff says, "Similarly, many would-be sellers in the housing market today are considering taking ownership instead of selling at a loss."

The question then is what about the Apartments in Atlanta and rental prices? Zillow says that the market rates for rent in Atlanta is not good, but better than many of the markets. Rental prices have been rising along with the occupation.

Talking about how things have changed in the last two years:

"There were many things out there, therefore available for lease, apartment complexes and homeowners, they were giving away things that people only live there," said leasing agent Krystal Wilbanks.

"But now, there are many people out there looking for a rental, and if you do not take the property, the next person who goes and looks at seguroque will take the property."

Market InmobiliarioParte Atlanta and that, of course, is that not many new apartments under construction. You have to wonder how far behind Atlanta in the nation behind it is expected considering that the increase in rental prices could bring a recovery in the construction industry and help solve the unemployment problem.

Of course, until things start to sell the building industry for rent is fairly stagnant, but the increase could be a sign that the apartments will ship in time.

H Luis ... Millonariosonline.com

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