Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fluoride can stain your teeth

White teeth are not as difficult to obtain, as it thinks contrary to most people, if appropriate methods are not going to have many problems to have white teeth and aesthetically well regarded, it is also obvious that you whiter teeth much easier to attract the opposite sex.

To go from having yellow teeth to have white teeth do not need to do everything that people think, first of all do not need to go to the dentist to buy expensive products and treatments to dental whitening, nor is essential to buy these branded products.

So to have such white teeth that many people do you Alagoas, no need to use chemical treatments, home treatments, natural ingredients you will have a great smile in less than a month and without the annoying side effect of hypersensitivity dental, all because our body absorbs it easier.

Baking is a way to whiten teeth, and can be done at home, but wait, and is not recommended because it will leave you very sensitive teeth, so try to avoid this type of treatment that are stronger than you think , then you can not drink any liquid or cold or hot.

I want to remind you that there is no need to use toothpastes as followed, these have many chemicals including the famous fluorine, the only thing it does is get dirty yellow teeth, it seems unusual but so is, so daily brushing can stain your teeth and is a highly toxic chemical especially for children.

Always Remind your children never to swallow fluoride, thereby avoiding possible poisoning can be fatal, to conclude not forget how important it is to have teeth in good condition, I mean teeth healthy and white teeth, that will give you many advantages in life compared to others.

It is very easy to whiten teeth, and now much more if you can do from the comfort of your home, I sincerely recommend you come to my website and there you will learn many things: home tooth whitening

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