Wednesday, July 25, 2012

10 Tips for Normal Singles (Men and Women)

1. Avoid unnecessary discussion

What came first the chicken or the egg? Who is smarter men or women? The answers to these questions are examples of useless discussions that do not lead to anything but the rancor, resentment, for wanting to be right in everything, or believe intellectually superior over others.

2. Avoid being trapped by the Depression

The apathy, disinterest, sadness, sorrow, anguish, anxiety, laziness, part of a disease called depression, which is currently affecting millions of people worldwide. To avoid the antidote is the activity, to keep the mind occupied and not let negative thinking or produce feelings of bitterness and loneliness. If you are allowed entry to the brain such negative thoughts, low self-esteem. The enthusiasm, joy, dynamism, physical exercise and mental activity in general positive, uplifting, self-esteem and not allow themselves to be trapped by the Depression.

3. Prevent Neurosis

The bitterness, resentment, hatred, neurosis, hysteria, are part of Rage. The neurosis itself is a disease that many human beings worldwide. Within seconds of unbridled anger the individual has been able to become a murderer.

The sincerity is not in words but in gestures, know the meaning of their own and others signals the body poses or faces, is completely dominated by hidden feelings of others and learn to exploit their own.

Learning to live together, to understand, to relate openly without suspicion, to withstand adverse judgments are some requirements to improve our relationship with other people. To achieve this I recommend the following exercises.

Assume the mental attitude to improve your ability to cope with the problems, taking the time necessary without time limits or boundaries.

Make an assessment of the needs, feelings and rights that require others.

Keep communication "pure". Do not blame or criticize others.

Pay attention when emerging from conflict, how do you get through? Do you care to reach the truth or you simply want to discuss?

An argument is not a sport. It is common ground to win, but to overcome a perceived problem, if you admit to discuss the other is right, not see it as a defeat, the two won by overcoming the conflict.

Note that the conflict is addressed best "smoothing" disputes, being complacent and "giving in" to the demands of others.

Ask someone to help you practice listening skills, you should tell an episode of his life a little complicated or problematic for five minutes, pay attention with all your senses in what you are saying.

Focus your attention not only in words but also in pitch which gives, in the pauses and movements of the face and body.

Invest your paper now speak for five minutes.

This is not always proven easy to be attentive, putting all the attention on the other things are discovered unsuspected personality, that if one puts his all to serve the other is paid in the same way, that verbalizing the problems often seem more solutions than you thought.

The human being has the ability to make thoughts, positive or negative, to make them good or bad feelings, these emotions and moods in these sad and joyful, as has been the choice of raw material that built: positive thoughts or negatives.

Therefore, the neurosis is avoided by making the calm, serenity, equanimity, sanity, or think things through thoroughly before making hasty decisions. From:

I share also:

4. Avoid Infidelity

The most common reason among couples to get divorce is infidelity. The temptation to try other lips, having extramarital affairs, is always present, if not avoided, may lead to the breakup of their marriage relationships. Therefore, loyalty, fidelity, responsibility, duty, must always deprive their daily lives.

5. At all times maintain mutual respect

It said the Father of the Americas, Mr. Don Benito Juárez: "Respect for the rights of others is peace." Every human being is born endowed with free will. You are free to be, think, speak, act, love, and so on., In its sole discretion. And this criterion must be respected at all for others to respect their own. Each household member owns his life, his body of its decisions, if they are respected, there will be peace, harmony, the settlement. For where there is peace, no love, where love is God and where God is not lacking anything.

6. Agreed decisions

The word marriage means house of two, not three, not four. Do not allow third parties to control their decisions. These should be taken by each of you, as a single entity. Because the agreements may always take the benefit or detriment of both. Listen to the advice of their parents, but you be the owners of the last word, of their decisions.

7. Ensure the common good

Whatever security benefit, trust, love, home, look in any way, ensuring the common good of the couple's children and the home itself.

Do not let anyone interrupt your privacy. Accepting a third person in their love nest, but the children themselves, will break the privacy of their marital relationship.

8. Support each other in all aspects: moral, material, physical, economic, spiritual, etc..

9. Have faith and trust in a Higher Power or God, as you conceive

If you have a Higher Power, One who is Almighty, Omniscient, Eternal, Infinite, you create in your mind, as you conceive, you will be very useful. Analyzes the following:

Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, Courage to change those things I can and Wisdom to know the difference between what I can and I can not change. Thy will, not mine. Amen.

Realize and Pray, then you will realize that actually works.

10. Fighting for the achievement of goals, projects and common goals

If everyone goes their separate ways, will miss the joys that provides a common goal. Related purposes should be planned so that the follow up to their final destination.

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