Thursday, July 12, 2012

If you want to live your dreams, achieve success and connect with your greatness, Awake!

In January, the most likely to think of something you wanted to change ... you were filled with illusions and maybe you said this would be your best year .... you reconnect with your dreams.

If you are an "average" it is possible that this desire for change, to make your life different, to lose weight, start saving, start a new career, changing jobs, buying your house, open a business or to spend more time with your family, has vanished as they spent the first day of the year.

Those goals, those ideals, those dreams .... remained to be re-taken if you're not too busy, or who knows, maybe to early 2008. Does this sound familiar?

You do not have to wait for the beginning of each year to retake the desire for change. Today is the best day. Today you can make the decision that today is the beginning of the best of your life.

Today you can still choose to make this your best year, full of happiness, enjoyment and success.

Today you can decide how much money you want and create a plan to get it.

Today you can decide to choose to give life to new ideas for your career or a new business and create a vision so clear that motivates you to get up full of energy and move towards achieving your biggest dreams.

Today you can choose to increase confidence in yourself and change your way of thinking about your abilities to create different and great results in your life.

Today you can choose to start a "magnetically" attract the "right". People who motivate you to succeed, and you do not "steal" the energy you need for your great achievements.

Today you can choose to feel better about yourself. You can connect with your greatness and realize that you have the power and the ability to create in your world what you want: happiness, your dream home, fabulous vacation, the new car and secure the future of your family ...

CHOOSE ... Or you can simply do nothing and let luck decide what will the rest of your days.

If this is your case, you may have internally "hunger" for a different life ... and this has become a source of frustration, boredom and even in some cases ... of depression or that feeling bitter overwhelms us when you are out of step with our dreams and our ambitions.

You can change this now if you wake up and connect with your greatness!

What's stopping you?

Everyone with whom I worked in my workshops, seminars and coaching, have a dream. A dream to make a difference, to contribute, or simply to experience and live the deep satisfaction you feel when you do great things.

Many of these people were not having enough money as a barrier that needed to overcome before reaching your dreams. In other cases, the barriers were not having the knowledge and skills they thought was important to move more quickly to achieve their goals.

However, much of the time, the biggest barrier was fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection or fear of taking risks. And the only thing that remained in action some of these people was to realize his dreams - to realize that if they did the effort to confront their fears and act in spite of themselves, their dreams would end up in the trash.

Life is short. Canst your dreams? Will you make the contributions you can do? Are you facing your fears with courage and pursue your goals?

Will it take advantage of every opportunity that gives you life to prepare and to achieve your lofty ideals? Do you work with more passion and enthusiasm?

Will you let aside the excuses, grievances and to victimizarte? Shall we begin, once and for all, has to do what is difficult, but with big rewards?

Will you write your goals, finish reading this book, you will work an extra hour, you will rise early, walk another mile .. finish what he started?

Life is short. Do not waste it. You will not have another chance to live this life ... We are not in practice! This is all we have! Life is good ... wake up!

Wake up to your greatness .. you are a unique being with unique skills ... do not waste your ... wake up!

When you came into this world, you brought something unique that did not exist before you came here. Please do not deprive us of your greatness ... wake up!

This year, you can still make the best of your years if you wake to the reality that there is greatness in you, that there is power in you, that everything outside you can get it if you recognize the greatness of what is inside you ... wake up!

Today is the best day to start, perhaps not a coincidence that today of all days is when you're reading this message .... wake up!


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